We are privileged to support a variety of foreign missions, national pastors, local missions, and church plants and ministries through sacrificial grace purpose missions giving, prayer, and visits to the field.

Jared & Kristen Dunbar
Peabody, Massachusetts

David & Maggie Barnhouse
Zambia, Africa

John & Cindy Byrer
Alberta, Canada

Jeff & Helen Christian

Byron & Judy Cromwell
Interim Missionaries

Joel & Tina Dunbar
Bauru, Brazil

Wilhelm & Sandra Falk
Munich, Germany

Edgar & Rosann Feghaly
The Middle East

David & Glorianne Gibbs
Christian Law Association

Sam & Kathy Gipp
A Friend to Churches

Ben & Debbie Hayes
Walkersville, Maryland

Larry & Cheryl Ingalls
Baptist Couriers for Christ

Allen & Dema Johnson
Wings Bearing Precious Seed

Craig & Nita Ledbetter
Mallow, Ireland

Rosalie Marshall
Ministry to Military Women

John & Debi Mills
H.E.L.P. Ministries

Cornel & Mari Moisuc
Brasov, Romania

Mitchell & Elizabeth Muller
Yucatan, Mexico

Walter & Peggy Silva

Gerald & Robin Sutek
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

Rigo & Thara Blanco
Belize City, Belize

Reese & Stacy Parfitt
Papua New Guinea